Our Process

We just really love this dog picture and want you to know that despite our extensive training, degrees and years of experience, this dog is a better therapist than we will ever be… Hope this made you smile today. - Nerissa & Jess

Online Therapy for Neurodivergent Adults

We offer free, no pressure 20 minute, consultations. Since there are two of us, just let us know who you would like to meet with and you are welcome to meet with us both. Consultations are a great opportunity to determine if our services are right for your needs. This is also a time to learn more about each other.

We understand that your time is precious, that’s why we’re committed to making therapy convenient for you, so that you can get the help that you need without the hassle. We know how hard it can be to take the next step. That’s why we’re doing our best to make it easy.

  • therapy office in washington state with wooden beams

    Virtual Therapy

    As millennial therapists we specialize in everyday struggles of millennials and we take a more modern approach to traditional talk therapy. We offer online talk therapy to busy adults on a secure, easy to use teletherapy platform.

    Our sessions are 1 hour and may included talk therapy as well as other types of mind & body therapies such as expressive arts or guided imagery meditations with your permission.

    Accommodations can be made for our neurodivergent clients who may be overwhelmed at the thought of sitting still for an hour.

    Please see our click here to learn more about who we are and what we specialize in.

  • Pricing

    We bill $165 for 1 hour of individual counseling, coaching, or professional consultation with other therapists regarding neurodiversity affirmative therapy.

    We’re partnering with technology that simplifies and streamlines from scheduling to payment, we want this to be accessible.

    We’ve invested in our professional training through graduate level education, post-graduate training, supervision, consultation and years of training in the specializations we offer.

    Working with us is an investment and you’re worth it.

  • Insurance & Privacy

    Millennial Therapy Project does not bill insurance. For many, insurance coverage is confusing and unclear about how much you’ll need to pay. Not to mention if you change jobs or coverage. Talk about a headache! By not billing insurance you’ll know exactly what your costs are and can plan as you need with out the fear of an unexpected bill or a service not being covered.

    Insurance companies also require us to make unnecessary diagnoses and submit private session note before they will decide if they want to pay for your services. Frankly, we feel that is a level of BS we are not willing to participate in out of respect to you and the ethics of our profession.

    Our billing is transparent & uncomplicated. You’ll know what to expect from us. And we prioritize your privacy.